SoulPlay Weekly Warrior: Josh



1. Why do you practice yoga?

I started practicing yoga because I didn't typically stretch after running and biking (not very smart), and also have chronic back pain. Figured yoga might help in both areas and it has. Yoga triggers a positive impact in my life by keeping my muscles supple, reducing my back flare-ups and represents a lever to pull for optimizing physical health.

2. What's your favorite pose and why?

It’s hard to choose a favorite pose but half-pigeon might be it. Mainly because the first few times in the pose I was shocked that I even had hip rotator muscles. Nowadays, with all the sitting I do, half-pigeon just opens-up my hips in a way they need.

3. What's your favorite thing about practicing at SoulPlay?

SoulPlay rocks. The studio is so welcoming, vibrant and bright. The instructors and staff are kind, thoughtful and caring. It's a five-minute hop, skip and jump from my home, and I love supporting a small, independent business in the heart of Culver City.

4. What is your biggest takeaway from yoga?  

My biggest takeaway since weaving yoga into my life a few years back is that almost everyone can benefit from it in some fashion. Shoot, even my two-year old son does yoga - his pre-school offers it.

5. If you could be a jelly bean flavor, which one & why?

If I could be a jelly bean I'd choose the Pina Colada flavor. As a kid who ate his fare share of candy, jelly beans weren't really my jam. But if I ever got my hand on a Pina Colada one, well... then I'd quickly get my hands on a bunch of others. Being a Pina Colada jelly bean would infuse me with the confidence that no matter the mouth, I would thoroughly be enjoyed.